
For the Fences

34 Blast

Knewton: English Tiles

Knewton provides an online platform for learning and lesson plans.

This is a series of graphic illustrations created as lesson cards, or “Topic Tiles” for Knewton’s English assignment section.

Knewton: History Tiles

Knewton provides an online platform for learning and lesson plans.

This is a series of graphic illustrations created as lesson cards, or “Topic Tiles” for Knewton’s History assignment section.

Stand Clear (gif)

(Click if not moving)



OCT 21 2015

Happiness (Mad Men Finale)

Give it another look…

What do you see?  What kind of mood does this image give off?  Well, give it another look.  This image is called Hide & Seek.  The point of this image is to let you tell the story of what is happening and feel a certain way.  However after looking closer at what is happening in the image, you should think and feel something entirely different!

New Buffalo Brewing Co.

The New Buffalo Brewing Co. is an up and coming brewery in Buffalo, NY started by William Campbell. I’ve not had the chance to try any of their brews yet, but I’m happy to contribute work to the New Buffalo Brewing imagery. Check out what they have coming at