Bringing back the chop shop. Sort of.

So while I was at PC, some illustrator friends and I started a daily blog, where we picked pop culture topics out of a jar and drew the given characters for that week. After a couple months of doing it consistently,  we named it “Character Chop Shop.” So, I’d like to start doing character drawings again, but I’d like to give myself a little more freedom. This is meant to explore, be free, and experiment with different forms and styles. It is going to be a little more random for me rather than a new topic each week. Character Chop Shop will be just be a category/theme on my blog. I’ve got a few ideas brewing around so I’ll get started at the start of the new year.

Check out what the chop shop used to be at one point and take a look at the other artists and their sites as well. They’re talented people, so do it!

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